Video of Diamond

Before I started working with CANTER I never really gave much thought to pedigree’s of the Tb’s that I had worked with or personally known. Now I find it fascinating to go look up the sires and dam’s of the horses that we have in our program. I was recently asking Diamond’s trainer if all the horses he had sired by Diamond were as quiet and sensible as Diamond H and he said that had been his experience. He also said they have had nice size bone and are fairly big horses. He tells me Diamond H was one of the fastest horses he had in his barn he was just very careful with him because of his size. I find it hard to believe Diamond could be fast šŸ™‚

You can see Diamond H’s sire at I see a lot of similarity in Diamond H.

Kelly wrote a neat post about how CANTER MA currently has two horses bred by the Lake Weir FFA program. If you aren’t reading her blog you should be!

Thankfully we only got a bit of ice last night and not much more. I’m hoping I can do some riding this week. I’m starting to get real grumpy!

Here was the video we made of Diamond. Keep in mind this is only his 3rd ride since leaving the track in June and he is a tad bit ouchy on bare feet with all this hard ground. I was just letting him go forward and do his own thing šŸ™‚ We only have one lead at the moment but not worth getting concerned with at this time with lack of fitness and muscle.

and a regular link isĀ  I hate the way these videos come up in the small screen.

One response to “Video of Diamond

  1. Wow, he’s looking great!

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